Coding Help

Hey Everyone!

I’m a middle school Art Teacher. Because of Covid restrictions I’ve had to alter my curriculum to Animation (which has been a TON of fun). I was hoping to incorporate coding into the animation assignments. Would anyone be willing to help me write code for a video game? I’d like to have my kids design a Mario Bros type game. Each kid would design their own characters that needs to jump over obstacles (pits/enemies) to get to the end. Overall, my plan would be that they input an already written code to finish their game.

I’ve learned a lot from the tutorials, but still consider myself to only have a basic understanding. I can code a character to move and jump. I have not figured out how to make a scrolling landscape or make a the character lose a life. Any support would be greatly appreciated.



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Hey there, welcome :slight_smile:

So I recently updated my platformer engine here (as in like 5 minutes ago because i found a bug while helping you, so… thanks). I think it’ll help you a ton. It has collision and multiple players, but there is still stuff for your students to do, like:

  • animating a character based on what the player is doing, like if it’s jumping or walking (I would use a seperate animated clip that follows the player instead of using the player with all the code)
  • bring it back down to 1 player (delete the 2nd player, go to the “funcs and player list” and delete “player2” from the list at the top)
  • create a life system (when a player hits a spike, lower a variable for the lives, and the user loses when they reach 0 lives)
  • use a vcam from the built-in assets (bottom right) to follow the player

I don’t know why, but continuing to different levels is broken. so if you need to continue to different levels, just let me know and I’ll see if I can find a solution.

WOW!!! Thank you so much! this gives me a place to start. Do you mind if I lean on you for advice? I’m gonna make my own version before I intro to the kids.

You’re a life saver!



i will definitely try to help you, hope this is fun for you students :)

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