Collaboration time!

One time When I got to school, one of my classmates was using the sketchpad on their computer, but he told me not to us it, Guess What? I used it, but it was Paint3d, and my teachers caught me using Paint3d, after that, I hated the classmate that told me not to use it for the rest of the day.

as a kid somehow i drew inappropriate photos when i was 3

i used paint 3d before now i use paint 3d

and save slots is not working

I heard on yt someone did this when they were 6:
there mom said “dont kick the ball into the fields” and the 6yo looked at there mom dead in the eye and kicked the ball into the filed on purpose

gotta go eat see you later

im back lol

Let’s try to post Wick related stuff (don’t go too off-topic)

Since some people are kinda new to the Forums, I recommend everyone taking a look at the rules here

ik that but he wanted to do that

and can you make a point system @Hamzah_Al_Ani

I’ll add a saving & point system

ok then bc im just taking a break bc idk what to add

Ok, now your points saves
StickMan Randomness Preview11-17-2020_2-20-18PM.wick (134.3 KB)

ok now ill add some stuff now

Take ur time, and let me know if u need any help

100 reply: ok

1 reply: ko

I’m gonna ad a cutscence when you kill the dummy

i dont want that only do it when im done the shop


