Converting Legacy Wick Files

Someone must have asked this question, so forgive for any duplication. Is there a way to convert legacy wick files and import them into the new editor?

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Hey @Zvezdan, welcome back to the forum!

Give a try. This should work, but is not fully tested with the newest versions of the editor. Let me know if it doesn’t work and I can give you a hand with finishing the conversion.


Thank you so much! It worked well!

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When I press download, it won’t download the converted file.

I clicked the link and i got the classic iconic message that everyone knows and love, ERROR 404. i hope this annoying occurance isn’t a chromebook-only problem.

Well, wick editor did change it’s domain, but finding the converter shouldn’t be that hard.

Here’s the new link:

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Noted. Thanks mate

Im guessing there is currently no way to convert a file onto the legacy format. No New to Old conversions is there?

well its impossible for exemple there is no tweening in legacy editor

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Actually there is. its not much but its there. Key frame tween that is

Tween Testing-Dec18-2020-10.30AM.wick (63.2 KB) Hell, heres a file where i test out exactly that feature. have a look

Interesting question, I never thought about that

There are some features that are not there in the older wick version, and there are features that are not there in the new one.

However, you can find a way to do this if you compare the actual content of a legacy and non-legacy file

wow you got skills so the tools are not important its the skills

Honestly that’s like the only animation I have where I use tweening. Tweening is rarely used in my animations considering I strive for quality. If you’d like i can show you another one of my projects where i use no tweening at all. It’s rather neat. but i wouldn’t suggest it being here. Instead go to the category “Anyone made any cool animations yet?” and ill post a file there.

the tools are not important its the skills

this helped me alot!

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I tried to convert this file into a new format one and it didnt work. someone please help me with this. the files to small for it to be exported into a video properly on legacy and i spent a good uhhhh 16 minutes working on it.sicko.wick (2.6 MB)

when i try to use the project converter, nothing happens when I click “download”. i guess for now you could zoom the project in and screen record it. (or I can do it when I have time)

I could do this but then i’d have to crop it down. i want the file to be like rlly tiny for comedic purposes.

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