Download not working

Has this bug been reported already?
Not that I can see.

Describe the bug
When I hit “save” or “export” it says it works but the download always fails.

I’ve tried exporting as mp4, gif, html, and image sequence. None of them work, they all fail in the same way.

I don’t want to try refreshing the page because I can’t save and I don’t want to loose progress.

To Reproduce
I don’t know how to reproduce this. If I did I would probably know how to solve it.

Expected behavior
That it should download first try.

I tried taking a screenshot of my downloads all saying that they failed, but my Mac didn’t let me.

*Computer Information

  • OS: MacOS
  • Device Type: MacBook Pro
  • Browser: Firefox

Do you have a suggested solution to this issue? (ex. has another program fixed this bug a certain way? Are you familiar with where in the code base someone would need to fix this issue?)

Additional context Optional*
It’s possibly because the project is too large. It’s a 330 frames animation with no audio or interaction. But I can’t try splitting it up into multiple projects because when I open another instance of the editor it doesn’t load.

Hi @Yee ,

did you try in another browser? Chrome is faster / might not fail?



Well I can’t open the file in another browser as I’m not able to save it. That would probably fix it though, maybe this project is just doomed.

Try playing the video and screen recording it?
Do you by any chance have an adblocker? Disable it.
Alternatively, did you know, wick saves an autosave to your computer. Try reloading. It might work. The worst that could happen is that it gets lost, and it’s already happened at this point.

In your Settings, it might be not allowing Wick to download files. Go to your site settings for Wick, and search for something along the lies of download files. If that doesn’t work, it might be a problem with your device. Also, I’ve exported a 600+ frame animation with audio and it has worked, so it’s not that…

if even taking a screenshot doesn’t work, it might be an issue outside of wick.

Definetly more info is needed. Depending on your RAM size and how many strokes and drawing vectors you are using within these 300+ frames, your web browser is probably out of alloc memory.

Well I ended up restarting my computer, and it works again but I lost a bunch of progress :(

I guess it was a problem outside of wick.