Export as animated SVG


I have recently discovered Wick Editor and I’m totally in love with it.
I’m also teacher so I’m already planning to include it inside my animation lessons =)

As the editor itself is solid and fully functional, I would like to ask if there is any plan for including an option to export as “animated SVG” (like SVGator does).
It would be a killer feature and very useful for all the designers involved in graphic/web design.

Thanks and keep this great work


Welcome to the forums @pablogil.

+1 for this feature! The editor is really solid and I would love to use it to animate SVGs in my web projects. There is a similar request here: Export SVG with CSS keyframe animations. Great project, thanks for all your hard work!

that would be a great feature for sure but I fear it would require alot of work to develop it as canvas animation and svg smil are not quite the same

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Hi. Sorry for reviving this thread but I want you to know that Bang makes SVG animations and it also uses paper.js like the Wick Editor.
PS: Looking at the exported SVG it uses CSS for animation.