Exporting As Spritemaps

Wick Editor V1.19

So I’m making an FNF mod and using Wick Editor to make the sprites, right? Well, I noticed that after about a year of adding stuff to my mod, the spritesheets are getting HORRENDOUSLY big. Like, 8192x8192 type big. (Btw, I’m just exporting as PNG Sequence and stitching them together using Texture Packer.)

Anyway, I noticed that–in other games–Sprite Maps are used. For the uninformed, this is a combination of a sheet containing all individual parts of the animated object and an XML/JSON file that tells the game engine how to interpret and animate those parts (including position, rotation, scaling, skewing, etc). Adobe Animate has support for this, and it saves on a hell of a lot of memory and storage.
Unfortunately–to my knowledge–Wick Editor doesn’t support this and–as far as I know–has no plans to add this.

Here’s a little WIP spritesheet with which I’m trying to work; also because the forum template recommended I do that

Any alternative ways I could do this?
– Microkat