Flappy Zombie

Animation demo project. Testing drawing tools, Movie Clip nesting and tweening.
Feel free to use and share.
FlappyZombie11-13-2020_3-05-04AM.wick (328.2 KB)

flappyZombie.wick (22.5 KB)


Great work, nice use of tweens for fluid movement :grinning:

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Thanks @bluecake !

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Wow, your animation looks impressive :+1:

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Thanks, @Hamzah_Alani !

Hi, Comunity and
@Jovanny @pumpkinhead @BaronAWC @Hamzah_Alani @bluecake @blurredPixels @Luxapodular
I got excited and finished this project before the Aikido Master project. It is ready for someone to code it. If anyone wants to code it feel free to do so. I would love to see it happen.

eatingTheBrainsAssets.wick (89.8 KB)
eatTheBrainsMookUp.wick (695.4 KB)

The mechanics are pretty self-explanatory looking at the mock up.
Three lives. If you bite the bone three times you die. The goal is to eat the most brains.
Feel free to use and share! (sound and music are not mine: www.zapsplat.com).