Forum Downtime

i was so worried, i tried going to the discord server but i couldn’t find the link anywhere but the forums

i checked like 10 times every day

good job! Thank you

glad you are back :-)

i thot i was then only one who got the message saying there was a bug or somthing

i agree, i thought i was the only one who got this too.


This text will be hidden


how are you doing HTML comments wrong?

<!-- you do it like this -->

Why people. Just… why.

Gud job Hanzoh you started a trend lol

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BSA 15 rules the world



why do you call him hanzoh his name is hamzah

Well it’s on his profile
Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 4.51.44 PM

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Yea, u guys could call me Hamzah, Hanzoh, Mr. Alani, or anything, but NEVER call me by my initials!

(btw, hanzoh is my fake name, but I use it cause all of my teachers mispronounce my name :sweat: )

Isn’t the character select on Forum Fight using your initials?

Yes, it’s called HA (which is my initials for those who didn’t notice), but that’s because it would be faster to type ha than hamzah or hanzoh or king hamzah the fourth, which makes it easier to plug it into the code. I’ll change that to “Hamzah Junior” in the future.

quick fact:

My name has a letter that doesn’t exist in the English alphabet, so no matter how many tries u guys would try, no one will ever be able to pronounce my name right. In fact, I haven’t heard someone who speaks English pronounce my name right in more than 10 years 0_0
If someone does, I’m ready to build a statue about them (literally)

Ooh fancy :O

Is this information correct?

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Yes @pumpkinhead that is correct
My name is somewhat common where I came from
My name is spelled Hamzah though, not Hamza (Hamza is a name of an Arabic letter)
I could write a paragraph of just describing why my name is spelled this way, but that would be off-topic

هلا فيك حمزة


well this is getting off topic
btw my name is Arabic too.

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I don’t need google translate to translate that, hi BSA_15
(you typed hi hamzah)

I believe u since google translate can’t translate English words INTO Arabic correctly

hahahaha lol

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