Forum fighters Old HQ

I dont know but 463 replys

those are really nice health bars

also i added the state things for the players. and in the file only pumpkinhead1 uses the player’s state and direction to play the animations. also i changed some code in the funcs layer, more specifically the block function, to return which side it was touched from

so look at the funcs layer and the player code and the pumpkinhead1 clip

Forum Fight 0.3.09-14-2020_11-30-20AM.wick (2.6 MB)

what i don’t like wetransfer, why do i have to agree to a privacy policy or something, i just wanna download the file

maybe use dropbox or google drive

also i’m going to put my changes into the new project with the health bars

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I am just going to fix some bugs and stuff

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also i made a loadStats function in the player clip and the stats are in the funcs layer. that’s in your version of the project idk if you know about that


Ok, I’m gonna start using dropbox thanks for letting me know it exists, here’s the link!

Here’s the version with the healthbar and the states thing and the updated pumpkinhead1 clip

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thnx @pumpkinhead , the file is perfect, and now it’s the latest version of Forum Fight

Every game needs a big and bright title
I’ll add the word “Forum Fight” to the game next in graffiti maybe
(I just like graffiti, do u guys suggest something else)

Also, for the fighting moves, every character is gonna need 3! One can’t go far distance but with medium damage, 2nd one can but with less damage, 3rd one is overpowered and the distance is ur choice (the more damage it does, the less distance).

I’ll finish my background art so you can add it

With my code, from now on you need frames named “standing”, “walking”, “jumping”, and “falling” so my script knows where the first frame of those animations are.

Also you need to use scripts to control whether the animation will loop or play once or stuff using the timeline functions. So usually the idle animations are one frame so in the frame for the idle animation write stop(); in the default script. And for the looped walking animation, on the last frame of the animation add a script that says gotoAndPlay("walking") to loop back.

Preferably have the frames that control these on a different named layer.

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so you need fight animations also i want my overpowerd move to be the mega moooooo my medium one to be the hoof punch and my low one to be the cow kick

heres the final art


Now i will try to make it so there aren’t 2 clips for each character

hi there :smiley:

mega mooo9-14-2020_3-16-26PM.wick (6.7 KB) heres the mega moooo

kickapoo9-14-2020_3-19-03PM.wick (4.7 KB) heres the cow kick also the name is a refference to a jack black song

Nice, just wondering, what are the keys for attacking?

like key frames?

like the keys as in the buttons u press for attacking

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