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I can make the music. Mlgcoolguys said I was the head of the music team I guess. And I have been interested in music composition for quite a while.

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thank you !
finally, someone is doing it

if you can please make music

pass it to me i can convert

use google drive or dropbox

give me acsess to open the file

go check your emails
I sent a request

here is @Mrdashellls music

thank you :)

ok @anon15550918
its good but it feels incomplete yah
are you still working on it?

no problem :+1:

well the end seems like well… an end
not a loop

ask @BaronAWC or @Hamzah_Alani

wow almost 2K replies

info about making music

i don’t use LMMS, but i understand the concept of making BGM/OST with beepbox. (i play piano too so it helps.) either make an intro/hook + good loop (+ end if it makes sense) or a good loop. i mean good loop as a piece of music that fits well with the beginning. take… idk, the SMB overworld theme. the first part, the hook, is used as the end of the tune and flows perfectly. that’s a good loop.

your BGM might go like some of these (not including breaks/rests between parts):

  • repeat[verse]
  • repeat[verse > chorus]
  • intro > repeat[verse > chorus] > outro
  • intro > repeat [simple verse > simple chorus > complex verse > complex chorus] > outro
  • repeat[verse > chorus] > bridge > (longer) chorus

In some cases you want an intro and repeating part but not an outro. when the music is downloaded an put on loop it’ll play and then go back to the intro. that’s fine, just make the repeat a bit longer so it’s awkward less often.

if there’s a way to know when audio is finished, you can have 2 audio files, one the intro, the other the repeat. put the intro in and when it’s done put the repeat part in with loop.

i didn’t double check this so it might be confusing


cough cough
baron calls for you!

am i really though… i guess i am. it’s kinda just a reference for everyone.

How’d you make the music?

No I mean how’d you make the music? I mean like… I dunno how to ask the question in a different way so you understand what I meant

How’d you get the instruments in LMMS? I’m not quite sure how to get instruments in LMMS