Forum Fighters: Rewritten (Discontinued)

also i made the deleting spoof
My Project4-9-2021_11-09-44.html (2.1 MB)

i agree with mlg

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I have an idea for a character selection after you get your first freed fighter each time you go in a level there will be a menu where you can choose the fighter you want the menu is the fighters you unlocked falling down a portal when you select a character the screen fades to white and you’re in the level

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that could work…

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Toria Character4-10-2021_0-24-55.wick (162.2 KB)

finalised edition of Toria, next to both pringles and nina’s work

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That is a very large zipper


as far as I know, this is the most recent version. (EDIT 2: bruh what im blind, this is the most recent (i think): Forum Fighters: Rewritten)

old link

Forum Fighters: Rewritten

i think that keybind is pretty complicated. I would do:
R: jump
D, G: move
S: fall through platforms
Q, W, E, (1, 2, 3): attacks or items

up: jump
left, right: move
down: fall through platforms
comma, period, slash, (K, L, semicolon): attacks or items

the keys in parentheses are just extra possible keybinds if we need them.


Nina is fat_clouds right?

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No, both are different

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I believe this is a more recent one:

(it’s two posts under that one)

Also, we should probably name files something unique so we can use ctrl+f and get a list of all the files easily

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ok how about
FFw_no.(insertnumberhere) _ Day/Month _ initials of name of update + (number if additions to an update)

so example
FFw_no.5_10/4_C.S (combat system) 2

this is the fifth update made on the 10/4 about the C.S for the second time


maybe @mlgcoolguys_1 we should link the most recent file to the top. If you can’t edit the first post, then we can change the title to include the file.

edit: i just did that… might have been a bad idea ._. shoulda used a link shortener maybe.

because… well now the title is super long, and when we find a new file, that super long link is preserved from linking the post, then we make it even longer by putting it in the title… and then it goes out of control ._.

edit 2: fixed, now uses a tinyurl that goes by the naming scheme FFR-day-month-year.

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I personally think that a better solution would be to have a keyword for every post that contains a file. For example, if it was FFR, we can ctrl+f this topic, and all the posts with FFR will show from oldest being up top, and latest versions down (more can be found when you click “More...”)

But the keyword will need to be something unique and rarely used so only files show up when we ctrl+f it… maybe something like “FFFile” (Forum Fighters File)?

The file doesn’t need to be named that, but that word will only need to be somewhere in the post.

(also, for the day and month, that stuff are already included in the name of wick file when exported, and also every post has the time that it was posted marked on it, which makes things easier)


What if at the beginning of all posts with a file we put


well, we have a few of those already… there are even more when you deselect “search this topic” but that isn’t very important.

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so @awc95014 hows the progress (on the c.s)

haven’t worked on it since the last update, though I plan to at least study the code first, then maybe add one or a few new attack(s). maybe i’ll get the character select going so each character can have a different attack. i’ll make a game-over/win screen to make sure the game is reusable (play through 2+ times and make sure nothing is broken).

@pumpkinhead @Hamzah_Al_Ani, I think the delay thing is broken. I tested it a couple of days ago and it did some weird stuff.

what it does

It does the recoil thing even with a delay, then the attack hitbox appears and doesn’t fade away. the attack is still done before the delay. so in short, the delay appears to do nothing except leaves the attack hitbox visible. maybe there’s another difference, but i didn’t catch that.

it doesn’t completely break the game, but what I would expect is that the player is immobile/uncontrollable/can’t be controlled for [delay] frames, then it proceeds as usual. there are also 2 “duration” parameter things in the attack, so comments in possibly confusing places like those will help.

@pumpkinhead, maybe adding y velocity stuff to the attacks will help. from what I can see, there is no way to change how much the enemy is flung up or down or how much the attacker goes up or down.


@pumpkinhead ?

sorry i forgot to reply. not sure why i didn’t put descriptions about the properties in the hitbox comment, maybe i forgot or thought the names were self-explanatory enough.

the duration in the hitbox is how long the hitbox will last after the delay time ends
the delay in the hitbox is how much time it takes for the hitbox to actually start affecting anything. well that’s what it’s supposed to do but i haven’t actually tested it and it shows

the duration property in the attack object which contains the hitboxes is how long the player will have to wait until they can gain control of the player again. so how long the animation lasts.

also here’s the fix to the delay property:

    // hitbox ticking
    // count from end to start so removing items won't mess up the index variable
    for (let i = player.attackHitboxes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        let hitbox = player.attackHitboxes[i];
        // tick delay
        if (hitbox.delayTicker > 0) {
            if (hitbox.delayTicker > 0) continue;
            else if (DEBUG) {
                // create hitbox visual
                let hitboxVis = _hitboxDebug.clone();
                updateHitboxVis(_hitboxDebug, hitboxVis, player, hitbox);
----->          hitbox.debugVisual = hitboxVis;
        // tick duration
        if (hitbox.durationTicker > 0) {
            // remove hitbox
            if (hitbox.durationTicker <= 0) {
                // remove visual if it exists
                if (hitbox.debugVisual) hitbox.debugVisual.remove();
                // remove hitbox from array
                player.attackHitboxes.splice(i, 1);
        // update visual
        if (hitbox.debugVisual) {
            var hx = (player.x + hitbox.x * player.char.scaleX)*1;
            var hy = (player.y + hitbox.y * player.char.scaleY)*1;
            var hw = (hitbox.width * player.char.scaleX)*1;
            var hh = (hitbox.height * player.char.scaleY)*1;
            hitboxVis = hitbox.debugVisual;
            hitboxVis.x = hx;
            hitboxVis.y = hy;
            // hitboxVis.width = hw;
            // hitboxVis.height = hh;

i forgot to attach the newly created hitbox visual to the actual hitbox object, so then it just gets completely forgotten about.

also here’s another bug fix

    // detect being hit
    if (player.hitCooldown > 0) {
    } else {
        for (let other of project.playerList) {
            if (!other.attack || other === player) continue;
            for (let hitbox of other.attackHitboxes) {
----->          if (hitbox.delayTicker > 0) continue; (i used the wrong variable name...)
                // calculate hitbox bounds
                let hx = other.x + hitbox.x * other.char.scaleX;
                let hy = other.y + hitbox.y * other.char.scaleY;
                let hw = Math.abs(other.char.scaleX * hitbox.width);
                let hh = Math.abs(other.char.scaleY * hitbox.height);


Things are a slow at the moment so we might as well start up

All artists, please create buttons, backgrounds and all things art related (except animation)
But some rules applies

  1. Everyone can do anything, I just choose what looks best. So try and fit the themes
  2. You guys can improve to title of the game on the main home screen but not the background (it’s mine >:3)
  3. No fighting >:/
  4. Take a screen shot of your creations and post them here.also include a wick file of said drawings. It makes it clearer for everyone and allows me to check on my phone
  5. Be Creative! Be hardworking! You can do it