Forum Fighters: Rewritten (Discontinued)

I have a theory on how to make the AI walk around the level, from its position to another position.

First of all, scratch the grid idea. A grid isn’t needed, just the positions and sizes of the level rectangles are fine.

To have the bot walk across the level from point A to B, we can probably use a pathfinding algorithm to do this. First, we get a list of surfaces the AI can walk on. This is mostly pretty straightforward to do.

This is the level:
And these are the surfaces:

It then splits up each surface into a bunch of nodes arranged in a grid-like pattern.

Anyway, the next thing that happens is that it connects each surface to one another. These connections would represent jumping/falling. To do this, it goes through every other rectangle and sees if the AI can jump and/or fall onto it. It can jump/fall on it if the quadratic function I wrote about earlier (wait that was six days ago??? i thought that was three days ago what??) intersects with the surface. The end result, when visualized, would preferably look like this:
Red are the platforms the ai can fall onto, blue are the platforms the ai can jump onto, and purple are platforms the ai can both jump and fall onto.

(Actually the falling connections and the jumping onto connections would be completely different, I just combined them into one because I was too lazy to draw an entirely separate arc for the jumping)

Then, with this information, we can use a pathfinding algorithm to get the player to traverse to a desired point. I found a good web page explaining pathfinding algorithms here: (don’t ask why they have third-party cookies from facebook idk why lol)

The AI can only walk to a certain node, not to a certain position on the actual screen. Walking to a certain position on screen would actually just make it walk to the closest node to the position.


Woah :0
Veri Veri cool
@pumpkinhead ! Do you know how to implement such a thing?
I’ll prepare some assets to start us off

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I’m gonna start working on that song again

we got some progress! @mlgcoolguys_1

the strategy for the a.i. is to first push him off, then go under the platform where he spawns, and then manage to get him in a loop where he falls on you but you use baron’s up attack, making him take damage and starting the loop all over again. this works because the ai has no down attack.

anyway currently i am trying to program the game to make an array of all the collidable platforms, so that i can start programming the pathfinding ai

here it is: FFR 1.4.2 Platform List.wick (1.4 MB)

the list of platforms is in the projects.platforms list
i also put all the platform functions in platformFuncs. project.PLATFORM_FUNCS is an alias for platformFuncs.
i also added the functions void project.addPlatform(Clip self, string type) and void project.platformUpdate(Clip self). addPlatform is called on each default script of each platform with the type being, e.g. block or upGate. and platformUpdate is called on each update script of each platform. platformUpdate knows what platform type it is based on the second parameter in the addPlatform function, which is attached as a property to the platform when the function is called.


guys and gals i would prefer if the same code were not located in more than one clip. because the only other way i can think of to have an array of all the collidable platforms is to have each platform put itself in a list. i have to write the same code more than one time. which i never do, but i have to in this case and i’m not used to it because it’s annoying, and it’s annoying because i’m not used to it, and it’s bad programming practice in the first place.

i think we should do the thing i did with the initPlayer code. before, the same/very similar initPlayer code was in each player clip, but i reworked it so it was a function and each player just calls project.initPlayer(this);. that way, when we want to change the init player code, we don’t have to copy+paste the new code to each player.


  • yes, good enemy :3
  • no, bad enemy >:(
  • maybe… i wanna say smt

0 voters

forgot to add:

  • only exists in the 1st and last chapter
  • Xout will never land in the middle of any platform
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it’s alright i guess, and the AI will be super simple (I hope), but it’s not the most creative.

also, i noticed that development has basically just stopped. maybe the project was too ambitious? we can remove story mode (for now, obviously), “finish” the game, then make a 2.0 version with story mode.


I finally have a normal schedule. I’ll continue the arena now. :man_dancing: :computer:


Wait, @BaronAWC you can code Xout?

I think I can… but the no knockback thing is kinda sus.

Why? What about it?

I finished the 3rd Arena! a minor update

I just realized i have it nearly finished already. What took my time was trying to add it to the latest update, because I changed and added some things.

What's in the update?

I might have to read up what has happened later, I unfortunately have to be away again…

...I apparently started at the wrong time out of excitement, but I'll most likely be back at July 16

Also I posted this update now because I don’t want to keep it to myself and take so much time implementing the stage many updates later.

that would be dum

FFR 1.4.25 (Arena 3)6-21-2021_20-58-40.wick (1.5 MB)


This is excellent, this is poggers

I liked the old menu beeps better but in terms of the rest of this update


FFR 1.4.25 (Arena 3)6-21-2021_15-23-20.wick (1.6 MB)

uh why is this here?

I fixed the layer ordering for all the characters.
FFR 1.4.25 (Arena 3)6-21-2021_13-53-39.wick (1.6 MB)

If you press shift enter e on biggie tree

I’ll just make the loading animation on the main menu infoTablet take less time.

meanwhile, I want to try to implement PKhead’s theory


what did you do to my tree…
nice …

FFR 1.4.25 (Arena 3)6-22-2021_21-17-17.wick (1.6 MB)

  • removed similar, coded and some unfunny taglines
  • added Xout’s unfinished assets in the manual for all to see (its in the clip)
  • noticed muilple "owo"s in area 3… excellent work kringles, you made me smile.
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i added the thumbnail for stage 3 to the level select screen on quick play
FFR 1.4.25 (Arena 3)6-22-2021_9-45-43.wick (1.6 MB)