Forum Fighters: Rewritten (Discontinued)

maybe after the main mechanics are down.

Let’s not decorate a tree before it grows leaves.
In other words, let’s get everything done in order,
then we can discuss things like multiplayer and stuff later.

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ok sure. thats fine

Work order:

(Flowchart here)


  1. Fighting engine
  2. Hit boxes and health system
  3. Menus: Win screen, main menu, etc
  4. Help others if needed



  1. Characters
  2. Movesets
  3. Storyline
  4. Missions


  1. Character concept art
  2. Draw characters
  3. Animate walk, jump, and crouch animations
  4. Animate moves
  5. Help others if needed


  1. Color schemes
  2. UI/Menu concepts
  3. UI/Menu
  4. Arena concepts
  5. Arenas
  6. Help others if needed

Should we make separate colabs for the different roles?


i think it’s a valid option, unless the mods think they are duplicate topics.


here yall go. part 1 and 2 is done. haven’t done the attacks yet but that is for part 3.

i will take part 3 as well, but i’m not completely sure when i will have time to work on it. if you really want to do it, tell me and then i can give the work to you and not worry about it.

FFR 1.0.03-10-2021_14-49-21.wick (19.2 KB)


amazing. will there be a crouch added?

i think crouching, unless the platformer engine is completely changed, will have way too many bugs in terms of clipping through blocks.

nerdy stuff

when the hitbox shrinks and is on the floor (crouch), then it expands when the player stops crouching, the hitbox will expand through the ground, and the way I coded my engine, the block will act like it doesn’t exist because the player is inside the block, not outside. the same applies to the ceiling, etc.

if we choose to add taunting so we don’t have to change the hitbox, that just adds extra storage and takes away opportunity for more characters.

if you don’t know what taunting is, it’s basically another sprite of the player doing nothing (for example, a taunt could be the character facing the user, not left or right). it’s not productive, but it “taunts” the opponent by showing them you have time to just sit there and do nothing.


Can I work on the storyline?

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Sure, Every good game’s gotta story as i’m told.

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HMMMM @BaronAWC did you try making the player teleport something like 4y
upwards to prevent it? here’s the first draft to the potential story but I want everyone to approve on it

if you’re talking about the crouch thing, remember the problem still comes up for the ceiling, not just the floor.

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you can probably increase the first number, kinda unlikely to go 200 updates without going to 2.0 or something. maybe it’s like update 5.12. i just said a random number, you can choose any number. (by any, i hope you know what is excluded. let’s keep it PG alright)


I can help with code and animation

I will make a sorta placeholder character and send it so we dont have to do a square with words

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I changed the number to 30

a couple of potential storylines. click the triangle to see my thoughts.

some big event for some reason (explain why/how) has caused a big fight/riot within the members, so to settle the problem, they have to work together, despite in the middle of a "war", to create a game to solve their problems there

this is what butt has done so far. it kinda works, but it might be hard to make a storyline out of it.

after an update is pushed on wick, it creates an unintended glitch that tries to take over the forum. the members have to figure out what happened and where to look, then they have to fix the glitch.

this idea floated around my head for a bit, I kinda like it sorta ish maybe.

an unknown user launches a bot onto the forum, constantly making new users and making the bots spam the forum until the forum nearly breaks. the only safe place is "that place" because the bots can't get there (hamzah, tryobyte, jovanny, bsa, etc, you know what I mean), so "those people who can go there" have to formulate a plan to remove all the bots.

appeared off the top of my head, it’s meh. that also means “that place” is kinda revealed. “we” should probably talk about whether “we” are gonna reveal it.

actually, it’s not really some perfectly secret thing anyway. but whatever.

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Seems kinda basic-y. Too Cliche

How Would A glitch in the editor take over the forum, and how would we be able to make a game if there’s a rampant glitch, I like this, though we’re gonna have to make it make sense a bit more.

Good, but same issue as last one, also if you play against someone, is their character just a disguised bot?

These all seem good, it’s just that they need to be worked on a bit more, I really like these!

here FFR 1.0.03-10-2021_16-05-59.wick (50.5 KB)