Funny fighters (og and remake)

3rd remake. this is wild fr, but its nice to see how far the game has come :D

also, i loaded it and tried to play it then wick immediately crashed

what version are you using?
Mine is on 1.19.3

Also, new version with some simple animation
Funny Fighters11-13-2023_14-13-14.wick (35.3 KB)

im on 19.4

it looks great!

Funny Fighters11-17-2023_14-11-55.wick (38.9 KB)


  • Hurtbox system
  • Attacking input system(z/x and n/m)
  • 2 attacks

What needs to be added:

  • Character system with unique attacks each

  • Punish or “charge up” variable (basically, time before an attack where it can be cancelled)

  • Cooldown variable

  • Versatile character physics system (for the side special, which currently isn’t all too good since the drag is crazy but necessary for walking physics) (this could also apply to launch physics)

for the attacks, should i make a supermove? (ur moving so fast and im so confused fr)
but im probably gonna figure it out

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I have basically overhauled the attack system

How it works

First, the attack is done by setting this.atk to an array

What does each index mean?

0 - The attack id, only for animation (in the future), and if it’s 0 then nothing happens

1 - The state, set it to whatever you want it to start as, and it increases by 1 each frame

2 - The end state, when the state reaches this number, it ends the attack completely

3 - The start function (requires a parameter to input the player object, since it operates on a different scope and is unable to access it without it). It runs when the state reaches 0, and you can make it negative to have a delay to the attack

4 - The update function, runs every frame while the state is >0

5+ - any extra array indices can be used to store extra data about the attack that you don’t want to make a specific variable for.

Funny Fighters11-27-2023_12-25-00.wick (39.2 KB)

ahh alright looks great

so are there no attacks yet?

there is

There is a single attack so far, a side-special.

how do you attack?

also, can I help out with the game? I need some practice

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I also made concepts for a character (its my OC)
Screenshot 2023-11-30 10.25.26 AM
Screenshot 2023-11-30 10.25.34 AM

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Of course you can help

also, the controls are Z and X for Player 1, and N and M for Player 2.

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ooohh this looks fun, mind if i join?

(ill join with my alt, @SevAnims.)

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yuh, this game has so much history, and 3 game remakes now which is cool

im thinking the punch, kick, uppercut, and swipe will be regular attacks. then the fire bullets, big fire bullet, and flame wall will be the specials, the up special will be him powering up and getting 2x damage and knockback for 20 seconds but it has a 30 second cooldown.

this is my idea for the power up
also I think the power up should have like a meter that goes up with every hit you deal when untransformed and when you are powered up the meter goes down.