Game Concepts & Assets

This is a place to design and share game concepts and assets:

GameConcept110-9-2022_17-52-46.wick (17.3 KB)

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I Made a Bomb

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About game assets, here’s something I wanted to share with you guys that I think is pretty cool:

So, I started using artificial intelligence to generate images and I’ve been studying the process for the last month. After working with prompts and finding sources, I realized that I could use this to generate assets, and I actually found it very useful with creating high quality backgrounds for games, here’s an example:

This image is one I created with ai, and I can use it freely in my projects.

I used Stable Diffusion (an open source project) to generate these backgrounds.
“Out-painting” could actually help expand one of these images into a whole game level as well.

I’m currently busy with school, so I haven’t started creating an interactive project using ai art yet (at least not in Wick Editor). I think someone might find this useful, which is why I’m sharing it.

As a side note, generating art with ai might sound as simple as clicking a button, but it’s actually more difficult than it looks to get ai to create multiple images with the same style you want using only words. Your prompt will need to be somewhat precise. Think of it like photography, you don’t just click a button and get a perfect photo, you’d need the correct angle and camera settings and such to get the exact results you want.


Those look like assets a cartoon will use

These are awesome. Is this created through a website? Could you share the link if so?

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I’d say the top three ai-art tools are:

MidJourney & Dall-E aren’t free, but they’ll give you a limited amount of images when you first try them out.

Stable diffusion offers a simple demo here, you can create more complicated images with the web version here (gives around 200 free generations though then it’s paid), but the actual project is open source, I use google colab to run it. I’m currently downloading diffusion bee on mac as well, but haven’t tried it yet. You can find more online.

Since Stable Diffusion is open source, there are also a lot of crazy versions that people made of it, such as Math Rock Diffusion & Disco Diffusion.

I also recommend joining an ai community on discord to learn more about ai possibilities, they have a lot of useful resources in the community I’m currently a part of, it’s where I got most of my knowledge of these softwares from, along with instagram, I found some ai researchers there and what they could make with ai is quite fascinating.

More examples of assets made with ai

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Wouldn’t craiyon do the same for 100% free (with ads)?

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Yea, craiyon is another version of Dall-e (it used to be called “dall-e mini”)
There are a lot of free ai tools, the difference between them is probably the image quality.

Ex: With the prompt: A photo of an astronaut riding a horse on the moon

Craiyon (this is 1 out of 9 results)

SD (this is the first result)

(I also forgot to mention Wombo, a free mobile app, also has ads)