Ginshemon red blue green

Please edit your first post and fill all these info:

  1. Title: Give your Collab a Name! This Title should be descriptive. Your Topic name should be “Collab: Collab Name”.
  2. Topic: What is this Collab about? Be specific!
  3. Time Frame: When is this collaboration being held? When do submissions end? Make sure to give your collab enough time!
  4. Submission Requirements: What does someone need to submit to join your collab? When do they need to submit by?
  5. Project Requirements: What are the specs that submitted projects should be in? Should users submit their .wick file, an .mp4, or another type of file?
  6. Project Leads: Who is leading this project? Is there a team?

they can only work on this a few times a day because of personal stuff so they may not be able to do this until tomorow.

i should be able to work until 1:30 - 2:00

I made a part of the game ginshemon4-28-2022_11-42-11.wick all it is is your room and it doesn’t have collision yet, its just a test to make the beginning part where you open the box and get your first starter

i updated the player sprite and added the frames that show witch way the player is facing i just need someone to put the code in that shows the frames

ps i cant send it throuh this so i will email it to gamer boi

I’m still up to help but I’ll need to know the art style and i can’t find anything with the actual game art

its 16 bit art (kinda like the og pokemon games)

I’ve recently made a card game similar to Pokémon cards and have over 100 monster designs if you still wanna finish the project