Gradient Tool

I have made a simple gradient tool that allows you to add gradients with minimal code (per-object).

Here is a sample project or you can just use the code below. GradientTool.wick (2.4 KB)

If you use the code below it’s best to put it at the first frame in the first layer.

window.gradient = function (obj) {
    let baseObj;
    let colorStopsRaw = [];
    let colorStops = [];
    let toTrim = [];
    for (let i=0;i<obj.activeFrame._children.length;i++) {
        if (obj.activeFrame._children[i].view.item.position.x > -0.001 && obj.activeFrame._children[i].view.item.position.x < 0.001 && obj.activeFrame._children[i].view.item.position.y > -0.001 && obj.activeFrame._children[i].view.item.position.y < 0.001) {
            baseObj = obj.activeFrame._children[i].view.item;
        } else {
            colorStopsRaw[colorStopsRaw.length] = obj.activeFrame._children[i].view.item;
            toTrim[toTrim.length] = obj.activeFrame._children[i];
    let repititions = colorStopsRaw.length;
    for (let i=0;i<repititions;i++) {
        let lowIndex;
        let low;
        for (let j=0;j<colorStopsRaw.length;j++) {
            if (colorStopsRaw[j] !== undefined) {
                if (low === undefined) {
                    lowIndex = j;
                    low = colorStopsRaw[j].position.x;
                } else if (low > colorStopsRaw[j].position.x) {
                    lowIndex = j;
                    low = colorStopsRaw[j].position.x;
        colorStops[i] = colorStopsRaw[lowIndex];
        colorStopsRaw[lowIndex] = undefined;
    let stops = [];
    for (let i=0;i<colorStops.length;i++) {
        let color = colorStops[i]._style._values.fillColor._components;
        color[3] = colorStops[i]._style._values.fillColor._alpha;
        let pos = Math.min(Math.max(colorStops[i].position.x+baseObj.bounds.width/2, 0) / baseObj.bounds.width, 1);
        let stop = [color, pos];
        stops[stops.length] = stop;
    baseObj.fillColor = {
        gradient: {
            stops: stops,
            radial: false
        origin: [baseObj.bounds.x, 0],
        destination: [baseObj.bounds.x+baseObj.bounds.width, 0]
    for (let i=toTrim.length-1;i>=0;i--) {

How to use [ You can downolad the wick file above to see a demo object ]

  1. create the shape to be given the gradient (it may be a bit bugged with shapes from the brush at the moment)

  2. Turn that shape into a clip

  3. Ensure that the base shape (that should now be in a clip) is at a X of 0 and Y of 0 inside of the clip or else it won’t work

  4. Then you can put small shapes of your choice (I use circles) along the X axis for each gradient stop you want and at the position along the object that you want it, but only on the X axis

  5. Then set the colors of those small shapes to the color you want that gradient stop to be.

Now your clip should look something like the below

In the above image the large black circle is the main shape. It will get a gradient going from yellow to a pink/purple mix, from one side to the other.

  1. The final thing you have to do is to put the following code in the clip’s default script


Then press play and you should have your gradient applied to the main shape. The extra shapes will be removed on play and return when you stop the project.

If you are done editing your gradient then you can break the clip apart if you want and it will stay intact.

Example outcome (inside the clip)


Updated it to also use the transparency of the small shapes that supply the color for the gradient

GradientTool1-23-2022_17-44-49.wick (2.5 KB)

The code is updated in the above post.

Now works with brush shapes, fill shapes, and text

GradientTool1-23-2022_18-12-04.wick (3.7 KB)

(The code has been updated)

Let me try it… this looks nice!

@SomeoneElse, this one, I click on PLAY button, and it didn’t work…

I tried this one and it worked just fine. Congrats!

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If those are just the 2 in the above 2 posts, they work fine for me. Could you send me the file that didn’t work.

That one throws me an error…

Could you put this code in the clip thats not working and tell me what the log says the X and Y values are?


Is there a way for it to go from botom to top or top to bottom.

by the way this is nice.

Just rotate the main object in the clip however much you want, then once you like the gradient just remove the code and extra objects inside the clip and rotate it back to where it was.

I have remade it so now it is a clip and you don’t need to constantly play the project to update your gradient.

Here is a wick file containing the wickobj so you can just open this file to get the clip gradientToolWickobj.wick (5.0 KB)

How to use

The first thing that has changed is that the clip will start by saying “Status: Inactive” but just play the project once and it should start working and say “Status: Active”
Then you just have the start of the clip’s name be “gradient_” and then it will update the gradient even without the project running. Although it only updates it when you are outside of the clip. You don’t need to insert any of the code anymore.

Note: When using this tool try not to go into the “gradientTool” clip because that can cause it to break

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