Halloween collab (closed)

I understand everyone’s busy, so I promise this collab is quick!

Hello, people who are in their houses, under quarantine and bored. I planned a project (just today) after realizing that we were in October! This Halloween, people spend time in their homes, so I thought we do something “Halloween themed” that shouldn’t take anyone long to do. The least someone could spend working on this project is 1 day. It’s asked of everyone to create one frame or more! Here are more details:

What is exactly this project???

What is this quick collab about?


People are working on a lot of other projects lately, so I thought about maybe an EZ side project? A Halloween slideshow where everyone makes at least one spooky interactive frame and the player could move to the next by finding some type of hidden button to pass the current one. It would be like some type of haunted interactive slideshow, where spooky things pop up, with sounds too, and the player is either in the dark or something and needs to get to the last frame, aka the end of this “spooky ride.”

How long should this take??


I would say, to make one frame, the maximum amount someone is are two hours… if not, then about 5 at most? But, you guys could have as much time as possible! I think this could be released on Halloween! 1 person = 1 frame or more! The frames are gonna go in order from least scary to most, to build tense!

How to join?


Well, you click the reply button, type “I WANNA JOIN,” then hold the ctrl button, then press ENTER once, and you’re in : )

What is asked of me?


Create at least one frame. It needs to be scary/ spooky and interactive in some way. We can post this, we don’t have to, but we’re gonna make it just for fun! :yum: So, it wouldn’t really matter!

What should I make?????


Well, I would say a parallax like the one @anon43897440 makes but with a Halloween theme would be cool. Hmm, maybe something your good at drawing? Try something new, maybe a headless horse, or some type of animation? I think Halloween is @pumpkinhead’s favorite holiday, ain’t I right? His character is pumpkinhead (spelled without a space). Maybe a customized cursor? Or a dark room with light where the cursor is, with things that show when the light is near? I know dancing gummy bears and creepy dolls are definitely creepy for children nowadays.

What type of scary are we looking for? PLZ READ:


Well, we’re gonna have different types. Your frame would be rated and placed into one big project! The project is gonna start off with the least scary, then start rising! Wanna add sounds, feel free! PLEASE READ THIS: IT MUST BE APPROPRIATE! I know you wanna show your Halloween spirit, go scare some children and have them scream, and you actually enjoy doing so, BUT please don’t go too far, because we WON’t ACCEPT anything that goes too far! Halloween can get scary, but it’s supposed to be a holiday for kids to be brave of scary things and walk up to stranger’s homes asking for candy, which is something I would never do.

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Before we do this
Should we do a meroiral animation for MOJAD?


nah, it’s different (I multitask since I’m online ALMOST all the time)

@mlgcoolguys_1, this is a different type of collab (according to that title, it should be quick one) but I agree about the animation for the forum fighters game.

agreed halloween event first lol
then maybe we can make a whole new sapareate from game animation for mojad(uncomfrim)

yea, this one shouldn’t take long. It could be a side project for those interested
(I created a frame in 1 hour, and now I’m all done with my part)

Yea, but if everyone could make one creepy frame, we would have a big project of more than 10 frames

And halloween is coming in weeks, so we should have time

Cool : )

Good job

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wait can i join im bored

Feel free : )

Anyone can join

soooo what do i do

Create a frame that should be halloween themed. It can be scary, and then, we’ll combine all the frames together at the end, from least scary to most! Your frame needs to have a way to lead to the next frame, like some time of ending or hidden button

ok this is going to be easy

yea, make as many as you’d like!

The least is one frame

so do I make a interactive project or do I just make a scary frame with a scary button

It can be interactive (like a mini game), or anything, as long as there’s a way to connect it with other frames

ok :grinning:

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My Project10-1-2020_4-03-15PM.html (2.1 MB)
My Project_imageSequence10-1-2020_4-08-14PM.zip (19.9 KB)
My Project10-1-2020_4-09-59PM.wick (1.9 KB)
if you want the .wick files I can send you them

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Were gonna start combining them a couple of days before Halloween, but right now, I won’t need the wick file (because then everyone’s gonna start posting wick files at random times).

Nice :ghost: