I have been using the wick editor for a good 3 years now, and it’s been my starting basis for everything in terms of animation and coding. I’ve quite literally gained all of my programming knowledge and experience just from wick editor alone. But now I have a problem. I want to transition to a programming games in a real game engine, but I don’t know where to start. I know javascript is Wick Editor’s main coding language. What game engines are similar to wick editor or use the same language/keywords as wick editor so I can transition smoothly?
off the top of my head I can’t think of anything that uses javascript as the language, and i certainly can’t think of anything that uses the same sort of “feel” to wick.
however, i do know that godot supports many languages, one of which being GDScript, which is said to be similar to python and, to an extent, javascript. it looks like there is also an unofficial way to make godot support javascript, which you might be interested in. however, from what i remember, it uses this “node” system that i wasn’t very familiar with, and it was a bit frustrating to use during my very minimal time with it. i’m sure if you put more time into learning it you can get used to it though.
If you’d like a game engine that runs on javascript with a similar interface as Wick, then I would suggest trying out construct. If you don’t mind moving on to a game engine without an IDE of it’s own, then I would recommend looking into LittleJS, which is actually a pretty new, small and underrated javascript game engine.
If you want to expand your capabilities then I would always recommend learning a new programming language. Especially since you’re already familiar with one, that being javascript, learning another should come by way more easily since there isn’t a lotta difference between most programming languages.
Godot, Unity, and Unreal Engine are currently the top 3 game engines of choice, with other engines like raylib and dragonRuby coming in the rise. There’s also flax, cryengine, defold, and ofc I can’t forget the classic gamemaker.
Godot has GDScript, which you can say is it’s own language, but it’s actually modeled to be similar to python, and it’s also an open source engine. Unity can run C# which I never tried, they had a lotta drama with their licensing a while back so a lotta people abandoned Unity, but they’re actually making a comeback with incredible features. And Unreal Engine is currently the most professional game engine, running C++ code but also has its own “blueprints” systems which is similar to code blocks, with a huge asset store and with amazing free monthly assets, however it’s still a complicated engine, as all 3d game engines are, and UE is at least 50 GB and requires a good computer to run, so I wouldn’t recommend starting with UE unless if you’re confident and have the time & tools to learn it.
I should also mention that most of these game engines are free— unless if your game makes a lotta money then they’d ask for a percentage (read their pricing & license as it varies based on engine)
You can also try flash or adobe animate since that runs off actionscript which is similar to java