Hits Boxes

What Wick Editor Version are you using?
Describe the Problem*
I want to make it so if you get hit in a certain area different things happen using hit box,

What have you tried so far?
I tried using different shapes as hit boxes for the player and making them follow the player, but when the enemy hit the player one area for some reason it activates another area if though it didn’t hit the player there don’t get how the hit test function work I tried to figure out but I just kept going in a constant loop.

The hitText() function is deprecated… Use hits() instead
if (this.hits(something) {
// insert code here

Oh, I know that you can use hits, I’m asking is how do make a different hit boxes on a single object

is this what you mean My Project12-9-2021_8-00-29.wick

Sort of like that, I meant that, if you you have single object how can you make a different hit boxes bot that one object

ooooohh maybie make different hitboxes like I did and make them follow different parts of the character for example: “this.x = player.x + whatever number” for the right side. you could do the same thing but different for all parts of the character

ok, ill try that

yeah, i guess this will do, I mean it better then what I had before