Hosting game jam for an week and the theme is everyone is in control

yeah this my first game jam lol, I have no idea what I am doing, post your games in HTML files, and do you like some jazz.

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Yes, as a matter of fact, I love jazz. I actually write jazz pieces in Musescore as well:

hey that is just a meme lol.

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Jazz star

who are you

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and what is brave girl

I made a jazz Game where Can make Your own Jazz music
I am a new user so i can not upload So just Wait.

no more jazz i don’t like jazz

you just export it s a html file then press on the box with an up arrow.

I made A very good game i like its called Jazz star

Did you really make this

this does not work

Yes it does See
jazz star.wick (5.2 KB)

I tried the html file before

I worked really hard

so can you explain.

its like fnf

so it is online

yeah its online

i think you forgot a stop( )