How can i get wick editor working in linux (ubuntu)

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Running the .appimage file doesn’t work

Did you make the .appimage executable? Most appimages (or any executables for that matter) won’t run without being made executable.

Is this your first time using Linux? The last time we heard from you, I believe you were using Windows. Yeah, it’s probably your first time. How frustrating is it?

indeed its my first time using linux
its not that frustrating
also yeah i did make the .appimage file executable and i still didn’t work

Did you plop it into a terminal and see if it’d work?

…wow. Because I do remember it being frustrated for me when I couldn’t get stuff to work. Now I know how to install Gentoo in less than 3 hours, but I still get frustrated when certain things don’t work in Linux. Not much has changed, has it?

btw how do i “plop it” to the terminal (mind me)

so i found out how to fix the problem

I was about to say “you have to drag and drop it!” but I now see that you found a workaround.