How do I detect frame count?

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Describe the Problem
I’m trying to make something that chooses between all of the frames and want it to choose a random frame out of all of them.
Basically, I want to be able to detect how many frames are in a clip

What have you tried so far?
I don’t know what to try

i dont really know how to detect frame count, but i think if you count it out, you can still do that random frame thing

for example,

if (project.variable == 69) {
posingman.gotoAndStop(random.integer(1, 10));

i hope this helps you out.

To find out how many layers are in a clip:

this.layersCount = this.timeline.layers.length;

To find out how many frames are inside a layer:

this.firstLayerFrameCount = this.timeline.layers[0].frames.length;

(Increase the 0 inside the brackets to find how many frames are inside another layer)

To find out how many total frames are inside of the clip:

var a = 0;
a += value.frames.length;
this.totalFrames = a;

(Note: Let’s say you had 3 frames, each one is 2 frames long, last one stopping at 6, this.totalFrames will be set to 3 and not 6)

To find out where the frames stop (at what number):

var a = 1;
this.timelineEnd = a;

:warning: If you use any of the code above, make sure to place it inside of the default script

I hope this helped :)

To summarize:

clip // = the name of the clip
clip.timeline // = refers to the timeline of the clip
clip.timeline.layers // = an array of all the layers inside the timeline 
clip.timeline.layers[0].frames // = an array of all the frames inside a layer
clip.timeline.layers[0].frames[0].end // = where a frame stops in the timeline

Also, :tada: welcome to the forums @lazybutter!
: )