title explains it. also how do I find the spot in between 2 objects
Make a rectangle as wide/long as the space between two objects. Find the width/height of that rectangle.
Oh yes, time for MATH (actually this time it’s just gonna be basic math)
So say you have these two objects
^ I put a red dot in their x and y positions for demonstration purposes
To get the x difference between both shapes, you can just subtract their x values.
You also want to take the absolute value to make sure you don’t get a negative difference between both shapes when you subtract their x values.
Code wise, assuming the shapes are called “triangle” and “circle,” here’s how it’d look like in code.
Same for the y difference.
Now say you don’t want just the x and y difference, you want the actual space between the two shapes. I moved the shapes around for this demonstration.
This here is simple triginometry so I won’t bother explaining much. All you need to know is this formula: Distance = √(∂x ^2 + ∂y ^2)
Practically the pythagorean theorem rewritten.
To explain:
∂x = delta x = difference in x = absolute value of triangle x minus circle x = Math.abs(triangle.x-circle.x)
∂y = delta y = difference in y = absolute value of triangle y minus circle y = Math.abs(triangle.y-circle.y)
difference = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(triangle.x-circle.x)**2 + Math.abs(triangle.y-circle.y)**2)
To find the spot between the two objects, just take the difference x and divide it by 2 to find half the length, then add that to the x value of another shape to get the middle point.
Same for y values.
midX = (triangle.x-circle.x)/2 + circle.x;
midY = (triangle.y-circle.y)/2 + circle.y;
thanks this is super helpful
It was really easy you could have just magically just went into the future and looked at what you were gonna do and then you have it.