How do I get text from a raw GitHub file?

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I’m trying to make a announcement system
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Desperately using people’s code but they ain’t working

are you saying you want to create a text file on github and then when you change the text on it, text ingame changes to that?


are you using gist or a normal github repo?

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Just normal GitHub

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you could try this. just open it as a raw and change the url


Thank you so MUCH!
:tired_face: I was so stressed.

no worries! glad to help! :slight_smile:

Is there a way to define it in a project variable? So I can set as a text object?

i think you can just make a new variable for it.

var changableText = client.responseText;

i dont have wick open rn thought so this is just a thought

It doesn’t work.

Try to set the XML request into a window variable



I believe that XML requests can only reach scripts that are from the site that they were sent from, but I may be wrong

It didn’t work, again. But here’s my code

nice keyboard bro

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This is a quick example:
xmlhttp request5-13-2021_11-35-20.wick (1.3 KB)

Lemme know if it helps