How do I?
this is the kind of thing you should search online for.
this site might help, i don’t know. @Jovanny and @pumpkinhead might also be able to help.
and as a side note:
do not do this please. someone will come eventually.
In my case I don’t know… I’m just answering, because I got tagged, but @BSA_15, it is preferred not to reply rather than reply IDK like I just did. Hopefully what @BaronAWC sent you solves your problem.
well here’s how for text files:
var blob = new Blob([textContents], {type: "text/plain"});
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); // Create URL for the file
// Create a URL leading to the download
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = url; = "filename.txt";
// Click the link to start download;
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