How do I make a pushable box

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Describe the Problem
I need help with a pushable box

What have you tried so far?
nothing so far I tried to find one of my old files that has it

Do you have a Wick Editor File that we can see? Optional*
pushable box3-19-2021_10-32-32.wick

By pushable box do you mean like the rigid test here:

my computor blocks anything that ends in io. I need a .wick file

Like this:

what do you do?

I need it so the character can push the box up top

@Jovanny can you help?

I tried this but it keeps crashing My Project3-19-2021_11-00-53.wick

nevermind I got it


Can you upload it?

My Project3-19-2021_12-09-01.wick

I fixed the cheeze My Project3-19-2021_12-11-12.wick

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you like the idea?

Yeah I do like it

you cant hold down the button and go through the door at the same time so you need to push the box

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Glad you solved it. I was not around.

How long do colabs take to get approved?

@Luxapodular should approve yours. I’ll not approve it… since yours is different I’ll let him to decide. Good luck.

