How do I make Text change after I type something in a Text input

can somebody help me Please


this might help
My Project10-8-2020_4-25-56PM.wick (5.4 KB)

thanks but I ment if you type hello or something in the text input it changes the text

The project I shared might help

what kind of black magic is this

can you send me the code

For which one, the top text box or bottom one?

the bottom one

Just go inside of the text inputs text boxes update script, type this:

if(this.value=== "..."){
project.textName.setText("it worked!");

Wick Editor 1.18
I Did not work

do u have a text object in there?

yes there was no text
but that happens a lot

you see the words, “textName,” you’ll have to change those to the name of a text object

If that’s not the problem, can u share the project so that I can see what you did wrong

nevermind it worked Wick Editor 1.18 (1)
thank you

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