How do I move the timeline between frames while my project is playing?

can you please help me here is an example i need to connect a frape to a frame like for example if i want to skip from frame 1 to frame 145 or the opposite from 145 to 1 sorry if i am questioning so much but my fangame of henry stickmin needs so many things

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Hi @Youyou,

You can use the code gotoAndStop(frameNumber) to jump to a frame. So gotoAndStop(145) for example. If you want to play an animation, you can use gotoAndPlay(145) instead.

Also, please do your best to make the title of your posts descriptive so people can help you better.

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Is this helpful??? My Project1-16-2021_0-59-13.wick (32.1 KB)

thank you two hey andeer i loved your touch control as well

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