How do you make an advanced drawing app

how do you make an advanced drawing app that can have an eraser and etc, just like a normal drawing app I already saw the existing drawing app that @Crafter_Flance made but I’m thinking of a more advanced one

ok what do you want to draw

I mean like make an app that other people can use

@Youyou if you understand and know how to help please respond

The closest attempt to making a drawing app is here, but it only works in the editor and is caused by making the editor think that the project paused, and equipping the pen tool, so it’s not useful at all
draw 1-16-2021_12-53-02.wick (2.2 KB)

Creating a pen object in wick might be a bit hard to do, but you can (for a drawing app) have shapes like square, circle, and lines.

Like this: My Project3-25-2021_7-46-57.wick (3.8 KB)