How do you make changes to the source code and have them reflect in the editor?

What Wick Editor Version are you using?

Describe the Problem
How do you make changes to the source code and have them reflect in the editor?

What have you tried so far?
Searched forums and github page for solutions.

I’ve downloaded the project from github, setup npm, node and yarn and can run the editor using npm start. When I change something small in the code like minimum brush size or steps size, this change does not reflect in the editor. I’ve noticed from the commits that emptyproject.html seems to be an important thing to edit but I’m not sure if it has to be done manually.

Restart the NPM server.

npm restart

Thanks for the reply glottisfandago, I tried npm restart and nothing changed. I am pretty clueless on javascript but I naively thought just changing the numbers in ToolSettings.js would easily reflect in the editor. How can I correctly do this or is it impossible.

Also what tutorials are there for editing wick source code? I don’t really know the project setup so I’m not sure what to search on youtube other than Javascript 101. Are React and Node.js tutorials also necessary?

I have never touched the npm code for Wick Editor, so tutorials will be necessary—that is, for NodeJS and Javascript. There’s no tutorials for editing the Wick source code!

I believe that you might have to know some JS to start learning NPM, so start coding.

I’m not exactly sure what the bumping policy is here, but this was something I got stuck on in the fork, and I think it’d be helpful to leave here for anyone else who might need it.

If you’re making changes to the engine folder, to see your changes show up, you have to build the engine first: do npm run build-engine or npm run build-engine-windows if you’re on Windows. Then after it’s done, reload the page manually.

I think some code in paper.js or Wick is preventing brush modfications.