How to change framerate after going to a frame/pushing a button?

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1.19.0 or 1.19.3

Describe the Problem
I want to know how to change the project’s framerate after triggering it

What have you tried so far?
Nothing, really. idk how javascript works

you cant

The framerate really depends on how stable your project is, and it doesn’t go any faster than fps number that you set from the settings.

So really, even if you succeed in changing the fps of the project while it’s playing, the fps will be more based off of how stable the project is (unless if you lower the fps, then that’ll make it slower).

You can however add in code to have a frame wait before moving on to the next one or something?

I’m with hamzah
it’s probably best to set speed at high reasonable fps and code your animation to slow (skipping frames, not decreasing fps) at will

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