How to live forever only using 5 hour energy: fan reanimation

i don’t want to say this a third time, but i’ll do it again…

maybe i’m interpreting what you’re saying wrong.

if you’re gonna recreate the whole video yourself WITHOUT TAKING ANY OF MY PARTS, that’s fine because i’m not affiliated with it. this is NOT a collab. i want to make this version by myself.

i DON’T want you animating different chunks and then taking part of my own animation to fill in the gaps of your chunks. I DON’T want you to trace my work either.

since i feel like i really have to, can you repeat what i just said in your own words?

i know this post is old sorry but can i remaster some of the backgrounds and i know this is not a collab

first order of business:


second order of business:

uhh so it’s been over 4 years since the start of this project and just under 4 years since i stopped working on this to (presumably) prioritize game dev.

but yesterday, on my last day of winter break, i thought it would be nice to just get it over with and finish animating the last bit of this thing.

and so i present… the finished animation (with an additional note or 2 in the corner every now and then).

i sure hope i satisfied my 4-years-ago me.

also here’s the wick file if you wanna take a peek, remix, whatever how to live forever only using 5 hour energy1-5-2025_20-39-54.wick (3.9 MB)

third order of business: past me was kind of rude whoops

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