How to live forever only using 5 hour energy: fan reanimation


outdated stuff

thanks youtube for this masterpiece. (i mean thanks youtube for showing me the original video.)

how to live forever only using 5 hour energy11-29-2020_7-24-08PM.wick (3.2 MB)


before you complain i’m bringing up an old project, this is my own topic, and i’m posting a relevant, not-spam, productive thing.

anyway, this is more progress on my big project. i’m more than halfway done. hope you enjoy. you can give me a bit of feedback if you want, though i probably won’t change what i’ve already finished.

how to live forever only using 5 hour energy12-17-2020_3-52-37PM.wick (3.6 MB)

nice animation you got :+1:

I really really like (and laughed at) this moment specifically:

I do like this animation so far, so I cant really find any problems with this.

In my opinion, i think the character moves a bit robotically with the tween-esque movement in some parts (notably the beginning and the scene in the video link below). Some quick easing in/out with some slight movements that follow along the pose would make it a little more life-like.

Videos to compare are here in this link :man_dancing:

But honestly, there’s not too much problems with this since its more of a nitpick. The animation itself is already nice to watch.

I cant (or… well… can) wait to see how you go about this animation. :man_dancing:

parental controls are just great, aren’t they? (it blocks sites by hacking my wifi and making the sites insecure, wonderful am i right, legalized cyber attacks woohoo)

sorry kringle, but yeah… i can’t view the links you provided. i would assume these are video files, so maybe you can send them through google drive instead?

Ah apologies. Here!
Folder to Videos for comparison

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Ah dear… wait I’ll go edit the videos first
awerite im done

I should have collared



you can always just tell me what you want to do with me and i’ll decide.

okay ill recreate the mask part

wait what? hang on tell me what you want to collab. if you’re talking about this project, the 5-hour energy one, i plan to do this on my own, sorry. maybe a new project idk.

Okay i managed to fix the link to SHARING (didnt think it would set it to restrict by default).
Sorry again

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despite the change you did being super small, i like the edit a lot more! it’s very subtle and lasts like half a second but i think i know what you edited.

Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 8.54.05 PM

(i added the quote that was removed for context)

Huh… I didnt think of that…

Out of curiousity i tried it without the blinking and the conclusion i came to is…
…well no apparently!

Looks as uncertain as ever!
Video Link (its in the same folder as the other two)

I guess I just added the blinking out of instinct. :man_dancing:

you choose if you want to keep the blinks or not though :0 (I didnt notice that you edited your post until now)

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did you get the audio of the mask part?

before we continue: what are we doing? an animation or game? if we’re animating, which i think we’re doing, what exactly are we animating? an existing youtube video? an original idea?

and i have no idea what the mask part is. can you tell me exactly what you’re referring to? if you mean the scene in the 5-hour energy animation where I’m in a grocery store with a mask, i already said that i want to do this animation on my own.

ill recreate it!

@anon85487110, you’re not listening (or… reading…?). He said that he’s gonna do this project by himself, and is in no way a collaboration with anyone:

This thing he’s doing is a personal project. In the first place, this thread is NOT meant for COLLABORATION, but to keep and show progress of his current project.

I’d be surprised if you actually didn’t read the title of this thread, so just please read this whole thread again, title and all…
s l o w l y.