How To Make an Anime in wick editor

Might actually make a drawing tutorial for people using mouse…I feel your pain.

how do you draw a mouse and is the video suppose to play i cant play it

Awesome, also glad to be back!

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It is supposed to play and what do you mean draw a mouse?

Stick figure from AOT:


Amazing, the details and the stickman 10/10

I making an animation with it

are you right now making it? is it possible to show me!

I made a topic about it(AOT stickfigure animation) Right now it’s only in the “Sketch” stage though.

alr and woah it looks good.
Watcha think about this

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WOAH! cool

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You tryna help me with mine?

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Sure, what do you need help with?

Could you help me do some of the backgrounds.
P.S It’ll be very repetitive and life draining

for what? what type of background…is it possible to get the wick editor file?

AOT4-25-2023_19-24-09.wick (1.5 MB) like this but with more angles(stuff that would normally be done in cgi)

So, i’m gonna make a new background with angels? how is the background gonna look like?

thats the answer

Could we move into my topic to talk?

sure (just adding some extra text to be able to send this)