How to use Wick offline besides the app

50 percent of the time I do not have internet so by any chance is there like an HTML file or something to use offline besides the app (I cannot install Linux Environment on my Chromebook)

maybe, umm, i add a little downloader thing, but just build wick editor or whatever

Would you mind telling me how or what are those two things?

there are downloadable versions of wick (although they are outdated: this is 1.19.0 instead of 1.19.4). i have no idea if the desktop version is accessible offline either, but if you don’t care about being behind by a couple of versions you could try this.

I cannot download any apps, which is why I asked if there is any non-app options

well, maybe i could build @StickmanRed’s fork for you.

wait… are you on a school chromebook? they mostly wont do much, like i have a personal one, so i can run linux.

I said I cannot have Linux. if u can build me a fork or whatever that would be great