Here are the assets. Also i have a bfdi asset pack to go along with them. BFDI asset pack: [BFDI asset pack 2.02-11-2025_19-47-26.wick]My asset pack: Battle For The Computer asset pack: [Battle For The Computer asset pack2-10-2025_18-27-54.wick](http://Battle For The Computer asset pack2-10-2025_18-27-54.wick) also you can reccomend teacher pls teach me how to make bookmarks so i can just do that if it does not work. I [wick](http://Battle For The Computer asset pack2-10-2025_18-27-54.wick)
I am the creator of the show why cant i reccomend? I reccomend extension
Welcome to the forums! I see you’re making an object show?
yep i am and i am also making a show on flipaclip and its going good but HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS NEW?
do my assets work? they do not work i know help me
oh wait CHARM YOU USE WICK!?!? @charm cannot use anymore it say that i have reached the limit but i do not know you ive just seen you on the forums a lot @charm does my assets work and can you show me how to make my icon like that? nevermind i changed it.
uhm i don’t think i know you
oh okay dokay!
just watch the video idk what else. it has no sound it says that you can animate for my show really badly in a bfdia 1 donut ahh voice.
look at the pain it takes to animate these episodes and how long it takes for my brother to shut up. #pain
Streaming? Maybe i should start streaming on my YT.
let me get my OBS setup…
They want me to make the request 1 DAY in advance, too long
@noobfield i know. i said that i need to learn how to use bookmarks i put in the actual bfdi asset pack also i have the bfb asset pack now i just finished it here is it