I am making a object show

Here are the assets. Also i have a bfdi asset pack to go along with them. BFDI asset pack: [BFDI asset pack 2.02-11-2025_19-47-26.wick]My asset pack: Battle For The Computer asset pack: [Battle For The Computer asset pack2-10-2025_18-27-54.wick](http://Battle For The Computer asset pack2-10-2025_18-27-54.wick) also you can reccomend teacher pls teach me how to make bookmarks so i can just do that if it does not work. I [wick](http://Battle For The Computer asset pack2-10-2025_18-27-54.wick)

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I am the creator of the show why cant i reccomend? I reccomend extensionScreenshot 2025-02-15 163913

@Flipaclip_Master what do you mean you are the creator OF COURSE YOU CANT OLD ME!

Welcome to the forums! I see you’re making an object show?

yep i am and i am also making a show on flipaclip and its going good but HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS NEW?

do my assets work? they do not work i know help me


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oh wait CHARM YOU USE WICK!?!? @charm cannot use anymore it say that i have reached the limit but i do not know you ive just seen you on the forums a lot @charm does my assets work and can you show me how to make my icon like that? nevermind i changed it.

uhm i don’t think i know you

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oh okay dokay!

Guys i have the updated links but for now here’s all i have the sanity to do, BFDI asset Pack

just watch the video idk what else. it has no sound it says that you can animate for my show really badly in a bfdia 1 donut ahh voice.

@charm @ADRAWANIMATES @noobfield @StickmanRed Yall guys i am kinda streamiing online rn so…

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look at the pain it takes to animate these episodes and how long it takes for my brother to shut up. #pain

Streaming? Maybe i should start streaming on my YT.

@noobfield yeah thats a good idea if you make one give me the link i will watch it

let me get my OBS setup…

They want me to make the request 1 DAY in advance, too long

also http://Battle does not exist.

@noobfield i know. i said that i need to learn how to use bookmarks i put in the actual bfdi asset pack also i have the bfb asset pack now i just finished it here is it https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IZzuBSZZ2NczRADsF3ms9pQggBsVtTY-/view