I can't reopen or Fully export my projects

This is (Technically) a bug report but I also need help at the same time.

I tried to export my 7 second animation. It’s only about 3 layers. and it says “Rendering complete” and “Downloading…”. I waited 7 hours yesterday and it was never downloaded. Afterwards, When I saved the project. It saved as a .File instead of a .wick. into which. I now cannot reopen my project. PLEASE tell me someone knows what’s going on! :[

just try exporting it again and if that doesnt work idk

make sure youre clicking the save button on the top right of wick editor when you save your project
you can also try changing the .File to .wick in file explorer and see if that works

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The interesting part is that it doesn’t allow me to make it into a .wick file. It forces it to become a “All Files”

It’s a bump like no other!!!

Also, it doesn’t turn into an “all files” file, just that you don’t have any program that opens a .wick file up.

The thing is, upon saving the project, it just does the all files thing. I use the wick editor application which should open all .wick files. So I’m awfully confused. image

It’s badly configured. Use my Wick Wrapper.

I think it might’ve been made in the test version of Wick Editor! Try it there first, then if that doesn’t work ask noobfield or something, seems like he knows everything

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I uhh, ummm, i think it’s- Video exports seem to be really badly done, i think they maybe are still using videoconverter.js, a deprecated JS port of FFmpeg most popular from the early 2010s.