I'm making a website of educational videos! Any ideas?

Well let me get to the point of this: Now i talk spanish and make little animations but one time in exams I wanted to help out a friend one time and he didn’t understand the eocsistems so i made a little animation explaining the ecosistem and he understand it and he give me credit for the help now, most of the students in that school ask me if i can make videos of a certain subject, but sometimes they would ask the same thing over and over so i created a website to the students select the video, I know i could upload it to youtube but, i wanted to make it my own way so i decide to just created the website and now, every kid in every grade uses the video as help in there homework! What should i can do to make it better HELP!?!?

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You should probably explain to them that animations take to time to make and produce properly, especially for everyone.

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Well, it takes a week and a half to make this, and i have no problem at all making this type of videos but, my question was that how can i improve?

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You can recreate Asap Science’s videos, Their videos aren’t to diffcult to reanimate (PI song, Periodic table, etc) And you can upload this to your website, as so long as you give credit to them.
this has been on my mind for awhile but I don’t have the right equiment to recreate it.

nah bro not gonna copy

It’s just a suggestion.

I have an idea. How many blow dryers would it take to blow out Antarctica.