"im sane" collab (help needed)

any time soon I have the demo for the game here Point and click horror game (Im Sane) (Demo)

I need art for the roommate (messy blonde hair, an insane facial expression, and torn cloths) and art for the objects. I also need new rooms to be made (a living room, and a kitchen, top down perferably)

  • coding
  • art
  • sound design
  • other

0 voters

if you choose other then let me know what you wanna do.

What color do the clothes have to be for the chaarcter?

blandest you can do.

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Hey, am i still able to join! :wink:

yes anyone can join at anytime

Is there anything you need help with?

we need somebody to make music and sounds

go to the poll above

go to this poll to chose your role

Art and sound designs

ok art people need to work on existing art and new art for the rooms and the character (I need a kitchen and a living room(@el_desconocido53 is working on the character)), sound people I need some creepy low pitched ambience and music (there will be music boxes around that are safe zones when you start them up so make music for that too), and coding will come after that.

here is the demo game im sane4-28-2022_7-59-44.wick no living room or kitchen, I forgot to say I also need a bathroom drawn

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I can do the sounds and bedroom, btw what angle of the bedroom do you need?

what its from in the demo bed on right door and cabenet in front and i need a table added on the left

just edit the bedroom

Hey! I can help with this collab. (Not my first time making a point and click horror game)
What can I do to help.

go up here and chose your professions

go up to the poll to choose what you want to do