Import svg


is there a way to import SVG image properly ? I’ve done it once few weeks ago by import this with
the asset menu , but I tried again recently and I cannot drag it into the project window (or when it works , the svg clip is empty …). Is there away to fix that ?
Thank you so much for your precious help.

The reason a certain svg image doesn’t work might be b/c of the image itself

I don’t really know how to help, but the best solution is probably using the test editor to import the svg image, since the test editor is an improved version of Wick with more bugs fixed.

I imported svg from Inkscape and noticed that standard inkscape svg does usually work
it will not work if it contains feature not supported by wick like (just to say one) gradients
I suggest to try to save and import a very basic shape with flat color to see if is a format or features issue


It works perfetctly with Inkscape (not with Illustrator).
Thank you

Do svg imports form google drawing work ? I like it because its so no frills and easy to use.