Infinite movment of objects after arrow key movment

the bug
items moving off screen with arrow movement and not stopping

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. Go to (1.19.3 as time of writing)
  2. Click on your object
  3. Use any of the arrow keys and hold them down in a direction
  4. watch the object fly off far into the edges of the screen never slowing down

Expected behavior
object to move precisely and not fly off the screen unable to be stopped.

*Computer Information

  • OS: Linux
  • Device Type: Desktop
  • Browser Firefox 88
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:wave: Welcome to the Wick Forums!
Can you elaborate? Are you holding the key down or do you let go and it flies off?

I hold and let go and it doesn’t stop moving.

This might be a result of lag, it happens to me too, but it stops eventually.

doesn’t stop for me and if I unclick and reclick it still happens.

Oh it happens. Just refresh or restart.

here, this should help.

DAS is “delayed auto shift”, which is the amount of time it takes for an action to repeat itself. for example, holding space while typing will type 1 space for about 3/4 of a second, then it will make a lot of spaces very fast. so DAS in wick’s case is for the right and shift arrow.

the first 2 movements is just showing DAS. the 3rd one is the actual bug.

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Have you tried putting the code in the keydown function?

There isn’t any JavaScript code it’s an editor bug and it doesn’t happen at all with JavaScript movement.

Yes, this is definitely an editor bug…@Luxapodular


each time this happens just make a new frame and reload because sometimes auto save doesn’t saves a frame