Forum fighters Old HQ

I think they updated the forums after it was “down” for 2 days

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They updated the emojis too!

(now u could change color)
:+1:t6: :+1:t5: :+1:t4: :+1:t3: :+1:t2: :+1:

Wait the limit is 4.7 something my right
So if the file is at 3 no it should be a ok

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Not sure what the limit is, but good thing we
won’t have to worry about using drive or
dropbox for some time

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what do you mean?

@anon15550918 and @PewPewTrooper112, this might help:

well wat art :P

Question: how high must the joining test score be to get an oc?

For the OC id, that was for last week’s test. @anon43897440’s test from last week didn’t get graded (no one knew the results), so he had another chance for an OC this week, and anyone who wants to join has a chance of getting a work pass now

PLEASE USE THE LATEST FILES. I had to fix something that I already fixed a while ago just now.

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also type ffversion 0.5.7 (or was it 0.5.8?) after anyone who wants to share a file does that

oh ok. cool and good. . …I watch too much timotainment

You have a work pass, which is a good thing :+1:

(Also, today is the last day to submit tests for those who didn’t)

Whats timotainment?

the original STONKS

ffversion 9/29/20 - STUFF FIXEDDDDDD!!!
Less hardcoded. The frames are named now and they’re ordered to make sense. Movement is also fixed, you’re very welcome. Someone changed the variables acc and xvm and the movement was destroyed.

I want to also thank pumpkinhead for fixing the jittering by reordering stuff.

Forum Fight 0.5.79-29-2020_10-35-01AM.wick (3.7 MB)

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I am going 6 speeds. R O T A T E. 9 S P E E D S.
speed limit: 8 speeds
orang no.
orang stop
the speed limit is 8 speeds
R O T A T E.
cool and good

That is one of timotainment’s videos

… ok den :o

noooo you cant just break the speed limit like that you need to follow traffic
haha car go brrrrr


Another one
Primitive Chase:

ffversion 0.5.8 9/30/20
One of Jovanny’s arenas are in.

TODO in order of what I think is important:

  1. make arena 1 less laggy by using shapes instead of brushes (yeah, it’s a picture now, but the giant picture still makes as much lag as before)
    the characters are centered now, so make sure all the arenas are positioned correctly (don’t move the player positions)
  2. add more arenas
  3. change characters as necessary
  4. add credits
  5. make it look nicer (better screens, arena icons, etc.)
  6. music and SFX

Forum Fight 0.5.89-30-2020_11-41-33AM.wick (3.7 MB)

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Thank you @BaronAWC