Hello there and welcome to the the forum fighters music crew! Here people create music on beepbox.co for the game
If your new here and want to join us , go to the control room to await for stuff
hello is this real
honestly, i don’t know. mlg kinda just took ownership without having it passed down or whatever, but for now, it is what it is.
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Leader of what? The music? I don’t really know the context of your reply because it doesn’t show who are you replying to.
Oh I thought this was the main topic lol
So you mean the music?
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Yeah, that’s what I meant. I think out of all of us you have the most skill in music. I guess I’m okay-ish at music, but I just started composing and I already have the coding leader job and game manager/leader (along with @Hamzah_Alani I think).
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dear musicians
im in need of some credit/thank you for playing music
pls help
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