IOS HELP opening a File

What Wick Editor Version are you using?

Describe the Problem
I am trying to have a student work between her chromebook web editor and her IPAD.
When I go to the IPAD to click OPEN FILE it won’t do anything. I can’t get a file saved on the ipad or google drive into the web version on Safari. What am I doing wrong?

What have you tried so far?
Everything I can think of.
We tried to app-we cannot import files.
I searched here and someone said use the mobile app on the ipad-so we did but now we can’t open anything
We tired to save the file from Google drive into Files on the ipad-and it does but I can’t click open.

Is Safari the issue or should we have Chrome on the IPAD?

Wick+iDevices=not work
Ipads, ipods, and iPhones don’t work well with wick. There’s no better way to say it, but I’m sorry.

Wick Editor doesn’t run well on Safari, even if you are on a Apple Mac Computer. I had to download Chrome for my Mac for the WE to work better. I’m not sure how it would behave WE within chrome web browser on your iPad… I think that I haven’t try. Everything related to portable devices is pretty much in alpha state, so is not recommended for serious work.