This seems to be an old question by now, but not one where I have found recent and clear answers.
For context, I just recently found the wick editor and was very positivly surprised by it all.
As I kind of miss Flash (but not Adobe), so a open source Flash would be awesome and the wick editor seems halfway there.
But after playing with it a bit, it just isn’t advanced enough for serious use and developement seems dead, likely because of lack of funding (or technical problems?). A shame.
It is what it is.
But I am thinking of forking it, as I likely do have the skillset and know the relevant browser technologies bottom to top.
But it would be quite stupid, if I would start forking it - and then suddenly the secret developement of the next version is done and it gets released, voiding my time investment, of fixing bugs that have been fixed already.
I really doubt it, though and the lack of clear communication around it, is a bit dissapointing.
So … has anyone any news, that I missed?