IS it possible to convert A wick editor game into a .gba file

I just wanted to know if it was possible to convert a zip or html wick editor game into a .gba file ad have it run on gba

Making a converter is probably not possible cause they are way different than GBA files and were meant to be run on the internet and would be very complicated Due to Gba files Being Game Roms While wick html or zips arent ROMs there internet files

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It could be possible! first, the HTML needs to be converted into exe. you can do this here: I figured out how to convert ur projects into exe. After that, you can convert the exe file to GBA using this:

What about the controls

there is nothing in that repository. only the gitignore and the license

and besides if you did translate a windows exe to something the gba could run, the gba wouldn’t be able to run the wick editor engine anyway. the gba has 32kb of ram. a small project running on a chromium-based browser uses 222.6 mb. (a mb is 1000x bigger than a kb)

however, other ways you could make a gba game is to write assembly code by hand, or compile it from a programming language, like C or C++

well yeah you can use the stuff that the other uses said but you first need a way to control it for example : gba doesn’t have touch screen so you cant use mouse controls but if you want to use key board then you will need an adapter for that but dont worry theres game pad support on wick :

you’d have to use the html file to make the gba buttons work

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Yeah and you’d have to use as much copy and paste as possible because wick games are pretty heavy for gba and make the gameplay pretty repetitive.
if you are gonna make trees like the image above the make sure to not copy and paste the trees with a hitbox for the inside it would make it heavier.

And if its gonna have a story the it would have to be like ace attorney for example it haves less gameplay but more story.

copy and paste just increases it

no because you wont need to make a new texture every single time