Is making multiplayer games possible?

Oh yeah, Javascript. But you can use any .js file with Wick.

there is a js file when you export a zip for interactive or at least im sure

back to discussion on the multiplayer, i dont think p2p is the best way to go with it.
sure it will be easier as you dont have to pay for VPS hosting. But with p2p, players can find other players IP addresses. And the loading times will be slow depending on internet speeds.

can you please put servers for multi games because the servers are important please
add into 1.20

probably not everything costs money

thats a big ask from them. vps servers can cost, at a minimum, $30 a month.

I think it would be very well possible to make a multiplayer game in JS with Node.js and I have a template for a multiplayer game in HTML5 in js, but not for wick at the moment. If your problem is hosting, then I’d suggest you use Glitch. Its completely free to sign up and I use it to host my wick projects. It has support for node.js,, npm, react, vue.js and so much more. Sorry if I sound like an ad lol.


Glitch is good, but I’d suggest using Firebase or

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You have a good point lol its just idk how to switch

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Yeah, but that’s all we really need to do.

Yeah. I use Glitch for many things.