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Describe the Problem
i’m keeping this project secret for now, with no other reason than the fact that i can.
what this code is meant to do is this:
- the array has possible controls to do the same action. for example, “left” and “a” both move a character left. i want to do this isntead of hardcoding it so that there is an option to change controls and have multiple controls to do the same thing.
- the code in the screenshot is supposed to check if the keys are pressed, but it doesn’t work. (there is no else statement in the actual project, it’s just in this project to display whether the left key is pressed or not.)
What have you tried so far?
i tried hardcoding the 2 keys in the if statement, and it worked as I wanted it to. but i can’t get the array thing to work.
Do you have a Wick Editor File that we can see? Optional*
iskeydown using array help6-5-2021_12-33-03.wick (1.4 KB)