It's all gone

I’ve been working on this animation all day, and the website just crashed and for some reason,
It did last time and for some damn reason, it didn’t this time. My chrome is very slow and i was trying to fill something in and didn’t save. So now, IT’S ALL GONE. EVERYTHING!!

I’ve reached my breaking point. I have to continue with this animation program because i have a lot of unfinished work that i would LOVE to complete. So, yeah. Otherwise I would have stopped using this.

This is why we save all the time. so yeah your gonna have to save alot so your work dosent go into a toilet bowl.

well i think it happen to us a lot… T u T…
i could say that …always remind yourself to keep save the wick file for backups…
you can delete the old wick file and keep the newest wick file…so the wick file not gonna flooded your computer file…
well its all about discipline and keep calm…

hmm…well usually it autosave my progress (in wick editor web) …when i go into wick editor , it will appeared the load auto save button …
but if i accidentally clicked other than load button and the load box disappeared…i refresh the tab and it showed the load button…so my progress saved by clicking the load button…


i didnt know why your project disappeared…sorry…T u T…all i could say…please save your wick file…

keep calm don’t work on wick editor all day you have other things to do and I suggest you download the software because I think it’s much better than the website but it doesn’t upload the built-in assets.

oh no…sorry to say this…but this was not great idea…
i used the offline version (download version) for a long time …and it was worst experience that the website(i am very sorry to say this T u T )(this is based on my experience)…

well when you use the offline version and sometime it crash and turns everything to white …then i lost 100% of my progress (well it had the load autosave button but it takes a long time to load)…
…so i had to save wick file almost everytime i done something a bit…

actually for me there is bugs and it crashed, yeaaaah maybe I should convert to the website

@bluethe_bot_academy Is it better on the website?

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Try this version, it has a better autosave